Friday, August 9, 2013

August 9th, 2013 A Day of Sand, Dogs, and Longborders

Have you ever taken note about the sheer number of longborders that pass through the waterfront each day? It's to the point where I think I saw more longboarders mid-day than I did runners and strollers combined! Today we spent the majority of the day down near Marine Park. We took the dogs this time and they absolutely loved it. Daisy, my 7 year-old cockerspaniel mix is a bit of an adventurer so she didn't really like being on leash the whole time. She's a great dog off-leash, but with kids and whatnot all around I wouldn't want anyone to get nervous. Anyhow, River, my friend Tony's Golden Retriever was in the happiest of moods, but he was sad we didn't let him swim when we were down at the beach at Marine Park. We passed about 100 dogs today. I'm so glad to see people taking their dogs out on these beautiful days. We unfortunately forgot the poopie bags, but the waterfront is super stocked with those poo bag dispensers, so we used a few of those. I have so many, I plan to add a roll to one of the dispensers next time I'm there. Pay it forward...

We actually brought a long board as well. I planned to try my hand at longboarding in the new Point Ruston area since it is so well maintained and still a bit of a secret (so there are less people). I'm looking forward to seeing all of the people, retailers, and everything else down at the Waterwalk area, but for now it's kind-of nice. I have my own little mirco-chasm of the waterfront "all to myself". We went down to the second mosaic to check-in as part of the contest. Again, we tried our best to come up with a cool photo to accompany the check-in. And Tony started coming up with creative ideas for the commercial using the mosaics...though I'm not sure we have the technical skills to pull off our grand schemes :)  Here are a few photos from the mosaic:

I think it's really cool about the time and energy it took to build the mosaics. Here is a News Tribune article from 2012 explaining the mosaics' construction. On our journey along the path we ran into a yoga class. There were about 7 people doing yoga at mosaic one. I think that's so cool that the class is on the Waterwalk. It reminded us of those fitness videos where they have like 3 people on a platform over looking water. :)

I decided not to longboard because I was getting hungry and it was decently hot today. We went to the Ram for dinner (on the waterfront, of course). I haven't been there for a while, so I was pretty impressed with the fact that they take your cell phone number down and text you when your table is ready. That means no more waiting around to hear your name. Even those other buzzer things have a proximity issue. In the case that the wait is around 20 mins or more you can take more time to enjoy the waterfront and come within 10 minutes of them texting you. So cool. I recently read in a magazine that they did a study on the happiest people and one common thing was their affinity for trying new things. Since I read that a few weeks ago I have been trying to open my mind to new experiences by trying new dishes at my favorite restaurants and being open to trying new life experiences as well! So, I got the meatloaf dish instead of my standard burger. It was good and hearty and I had plenty for leftovers.

We enjoyed our time sitting on their back deck on the water. The weather was perfect and it was nice to watch the parasailing and sailboats on the water. The sunset was approaching and Tony wanted to try to get some sunset shots from the Dickman Mill Park, so we got the dogs from the car and walked over to the park from the Ram. He had a cool concept for the photos, but it doesn't appear that he got any he liked enough to submit for the contest. I've really started reflecting and realize that this contest has been just what my summer needed! Even if I don't end up winning, I will have still spent more time in an area that I have always loved. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. When I think about the possibility of living at Copperline, I get excited and hopeful, but without the contest I won't be able to afford it just yet. I just graduated from UW Tacoma in June and have some loans to pay down before I indulge. Who knows what the future holds?

Tomorrow is the Underwater Music Festival which will be held at the new Point Ruston waterfront area. The website says there could be over 10,000 people there. They last held the festival in 2010 and there were over 4,000! That's so cool. I have a friend's kid's birthday party to go to though, so I'm not sure that I will be able to make it, but I have sure promoted it on Facebook. That's just super cool and I hope I'm living there next year when the festival comes to my doorstep. We have big plans for Sunday with family and friends down at the waterfront, so if I don't blog tomorrow, never fear, you will hear from me again on Sunday. Good night friends.

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